MEMOIRISH is a bunch of essay-like narratives of
things that happened to me. I don’t follow a publishing
schedule. I write when I do. It means I have complete
creative control over my output. It also means I
basically agonize over words so I can throw them into
a black hole frequented by my boyfriend, a few friends,
and friends of friends taking a detour on their way to
redditing bliss at work.
Then one day, this happened.
“The Plight of the Central-Air Challenged” made it
to’s Freshly Pressed: “The best of 375,
963 bloggers; 404,641 new posts; 414,724 comments; and
98,932,991 words” posted that day.
I had thousands of visitors, a ton of new followers and
more than 60 comments. It was amazing.
The next day, my blog was a black hole all over again.
So it goes.
The Most Fun You Can Have Without
Doing Something Even More Fun
When a friend asks for a favor, say,
watch him potentially risk his life
while you potentially risk your life,
you do it. And bring a camera.
Doing Something Even More Fun
When a friend asks for a favor, say,
watch him potentially risk his life
while you potentially risk your life,
you do it. And bring a camera.
My Sister The Dinosaur
For 20 years, my sister had seen the Knicks
through the highs of the Starks and Ewing era
and the lows that is the team's default mode.
But her true mettle wasn't tested
until she got her picture taken at a game
and it was posted on Facebook.
On Looking And Being A Certain Age
I'm older than I look. You can
trust me with the facts of life. And beer.
Sorry, Mom
After I got laid off from the paper, my mom
suggested I study nursing. This writer responded
in typical writer fashion: dramatically.