After a summer away, I came home to find bedbugs chillin' in my bed.
I lost sleep. I told no one. I befriended the one guy* who understood. Sure, he was
my exterminator, but damn was he a good one. He taught me that his job wasn't just about bugs.
It was about letting people know that they're not crazy, that this stuff does suck. But they're not alone.
I lost sleep. I told no one. I befriended the one guy* who understood. Sure, he was
my exterminator, but damn was he a good one. He taught me that his job wasn't just about bugs.
It was about letting people know that they're not crazy, that this stuff does suck. But they're not alone.
TAG: Get your bed back.
Not a lot of people read about
bedbugs before they get bedbugs.
So let's give them some.
bedbugs before they get bedbugs.
So let's give them some.
You know when you find sweet furniture on the curb
and part of you really wants to pick it up but the other
part is like, "No. Bedbugs, man"? Listen to that part.
In places bedbugs like to hang,
(bars, movie theaters, thrift shops
and bookstores -- coincidentally places I like to hang),
(bars, movie theaters, thrift shops
and bookstores -- coincidentally places I like to hang),
It gets better.
Everything leads to the MICROSITE.
With an anonymous Twitter.
And hotline.
*Big ups to Charles at IPC for letting us
run wild with this project and, you know,
taking care of the whole bedbug thing.
run wild with this project and, you know,
taking care of the whole bedbug thing.